: Finished my first session with the new therapist (after having to leave prior one due to my out of …

: Considering getting on Threads just so I can find friends there to nudge into federating so I can be …

: Some days I wonder if human beings would be better off if we’d never even learned to write shit down

: I only just got around to checking out this Halo show and whaddya know Ricky Falcone/Pornstache is …

: I don’t know why it took me until today to realize the Tasty Bite meals I sometimes have for lunch …

: Brain: “I’m just gonna lie down a second to pick a podcast for my morning exercise” (900 seconds …

: I take back any negative vibes I was emoting re wordpress.com support – they got back to me …

: Trying not ignore ongoing tech layoff news—but it still crosses my path & my amygdala perks up …

: Wow I thought I hallucinated this as a child but it’s real Butch Cassidy (TV series) - Wikipedia …

: If you think there is something wrong with eating lemon curd straight out of the jar with a tiny …

: The thing about a show like True Detective Night Country is you have to keep Shazam open on your …

: Apple Vision Pro is a powerful prototype for something to come in the future. When it gets to be the …

: Honestly I take back everything negative I said about ST Discovery post season 2 … I just finished …

: “In tonight’s performance of The American Civil War, the part of South Carolina will be performed by …

: Nothing like pounding some bread, meat, and sugar* for lunch to set your brain up for a productive …

: Currently watching an episode of Discovery with scenes that feel like a better than usual HR …

: Curry night 🤤

: It is so frustrating to miraculously have several hours of no meetings when you want to really get …

: A few days ago, I wrote in to Wordpress-dot-com’s support address asking for help fixing my busted …

: Ok so I decided to give Discovery s4 another shot, and damn if it isn’t just fine? Kinda digging it?

: “We’re updating our subscriber agreement”

: y’all I know Xitter is bad but there are still moments of real beauty

: Last night I finally decided sure why not get BG3? But then discovered it needs 150 Gigs! – …

: TIL character actor Michael Shannon sings in an REM cover band that is currently touring …

: Taco Tuesday is great but have you ever had a Taco Monday 🌮

: Anyway I’m rewatching the Bakshi LOTR and my goodness there are many very specific moments Jackson …

: “All shall love me and despair” — Tolkien’s line is such a powerfully human way to express what …

: tfw you wake up feeling like you must’ve slept really well but then 30 minutes later you’re pretty …

: “I watched some of that show but didn’t like it — so I’d like to remove it from my Continue Watching …

: Currently searching for a new therapist—ideally with lived experience and expertise in …

: At Labcorp for a blood test. Small rooms. No air filtration, no masks on anyone but me. Good thing …

: “Sorry I couldn’t hear what you said I have an earworm-song and 2.5 imaginary conversations buzzing …

: I was able to look at Instagram again for about 10 minutes without it triggering* grief or anxiety …

: I miss “BatLabels” on the other site :-(

: Layoffs are often wielded as a kind of necromancy that alchemically converts mass human suffering …

: Yesterday was one year since my layoff. I feel so grateful for my good fortune that it only lasted a …

: I could’ve sworn I tried watching Elementary long ago and didn’t like it but it turns out I have …

: My basic gripe with time is that it is nonconsensual. Just does what it wants. Doesn’t ask …

: Some days, brain is like “there is not enough coffee in the world to wake me up, deal with it”

: I’ve recently found a desire to connect with some communities & activities that use Discord and …

: NPR sponsor tagline: “Making the fairytale workplace a reality” Me, aloud in my car: “Have you read …

: Wife and me watching True Detective, where a cop unlocks a phone using a corpse’s face. Me: …

: It’s homemade stirfry night!

: First Starship Troopers viewing in 20+ yrs & if you doubt Verhoeven is commenting on fascism, …

: If only the tenacity with which my left psoas muscle locks itself and refuses to release could …

: Adam West’s Batman as Neuroqueer Hero in this thesis I shall …

: I finished a Rings of Power rewatch last nightt while folding laundry. Once I decided to think of it …

: “12° F (Feels like 1°)” Yes, weather app. That sounds about right… as I observe my dog trying to …

: TIL autocorrect doesn’t know “interoception” is a word

: Welp I ended up bailing before my first Roll20 TTRPG experience because I realized it’s Friday night …

: Celebrating a good annual review with some bibimbap delivery. And trying a game of D&D on Roll20 …

: I just read this post about hyper-verbal behaviors and autism and holy shit …

: We are doing a GoT rewatch, and it strikes me now that I wish Tywin Lannister had been one of the …

: Wow some days when my #adhd meds wear off the drop is realllly precipitous. Most of my day was fine …

: I don’t like thinking about airplane disasters so I’m telling myself a “door plug” is just the weed …

: Well the new episode of If Books Could Kill is gonna be a treat.

: I hear heroin is great but have you ever decided to wait until morning to take out the trash?

: The past is never past. It’s just waiting to reconnect to you online.

: This morning I had a dream I was on a wooden boat that was making loud creaking sounds — then I woke …

: Makin crepes … some with preserves, some with lemon curd.

: My brain suddenly decided it’s headcanon that there is a cover of Exile’s “I Wanna Kiss You All …

: “Then we’re stupid and we’l die.” Each time I see Blare Runner, I feel compelled to think about this …

: Rewatching Blade Runner (1982) tonight and what’s so striking this time is what genius the lighting …

: Our first real snow day of the year. There’s something very comforting about the sound of snow plows …

: One of the things I miss about being a kid: even with all the structured time for school etc, it …

: As usual I’m like 5 years behind all trendy anything, but I just had bucatini for the first time, …

: Just scored a ticket to see Bill Frisell down the street from us this February. Woot! 🎸 …

: In case anyone here knows — if you had the latest Moderna booster, can you also get the Novavax …

: Seems to me more than just artificial-human experiences are entering “the uncanny valley” … search …

: So I’ve been checking out this Davinci’s Demons show and it’s pretty fun actually … Sort of a …

: I wish our educational systems (schools, corporate training, etc.) prioritized teaching about …

: I’ve been learning more about neurodivergent social masking. The more I reconsider a lot of my past …

: Yeah it’s gonna be an angry NYE in the City of Brotherly Love tonight. #Birds

: This Eagles game is gonna kill off half the city with heart attacks before 2024 even starts. …

: 2020-wearing-a-2024-trench-coat-meme.gif

: Halfway thru the new Indy movie and it’s hitting all the right notes. I kinda needed this comfort …

: “Move mercifully and heal things”

: Oh thank you finally some sun today!!! (We were half considering moving to the PNW last year, but …

: Regarding the Haley “Civil War why?” fumble: ppl of her generation (esp in the South) weren’t taught …

: Observing my wife once again trying to coordinate between doctor, insurance, and pharmacy to get …

: autocorrect just changed “this” to “ThI’m a” so, like, Apple must be ph’nglui mglw’nafh …

: I’ll believe “personalization” is successful when TV streaming apps give you a trigger warning when …


: Happy Solstice (and whatever version of that you celebrate)! We’re all heading into the cold winter …

: TIL: “Though the character of Lurch was originally intended to be mute, when Cassidy ad-libbed …

: 🎼 I fought the lynel and the lynel… 🎶 … oh hold up, I won that time! (Yes I’ve been playing this …

: Since my adoptive mother’s passing, it feels like old musty rooms in my consciousness have been …

: Seeing Last Temptation for first time in decades. I was too close to the biblical & “churched” …

: Whenever I give someone a credit card or ID (doc office, retailer, etc) I hold my wallet in my hand …

: Finishing my Return o/t Jedi rewatch tonight. Fun to notice new things when I see these every few …

: Tonight’s Slow Horses 🔥

: Holiday vacation starts…now.

: Just last month I figured out how to use Shortcuts on MacOS to insert date/time stamp with a …

: Maybe it’s capital that’s eating the world and software was just a new fork?

: Dang Philly got double whammied tonight 😭

: Return of the Jedi is a Christmas movie.

: Currently watching John Oliver’s half hour video shitpost righteously trashing Elon Musk. Feels …

: seems like kind of a big deal that the Weight Watchers CEO is admitting they had things so wrong …

: Things I say to our dog on the way out to walk: time to check doggy instagram! ready to “paint the …

: Realizing lately that for my whole life I’ve had issues with memory, auditory processing, and …

: Ten year old me didn’t even dare dream that one day I’d be able to just watch any star war on a big …

: LLMs are basically cargo-cult thinking made manifest as a platform. “If it looks like legitimate …

: Slow Horses’ Lamb is a hell of a character but Catherine’s my favorite. And the vibe they have …

: Seems odd that Threads is seemingly going to federate with ActivityPub before Bluesky. But hey …

: I know the big changes to iOS autocorrect have been jarring, and it goes wildly off the rails at …

: Neil Patrick Harris is perfect as The Toymaker, but honestly I’d be just as happy to watch his …

: At least in Dr Who, Russell T Davies is very good at employing horror tropes in the service of …

: Dr Who’s holiday special 3rd episode seems to be commenting on Covid denialism, reactionary media, …

: Yet another lawyer (allegedly) using LLM sludge to file court briefs. IMO any attorney doing this …

: The only non-happy thing that happened for my birthday yesterday was the house-sale closing fell …

: Let the record show — it was a pretty great birthday.

: Shout out to everyone in the “read Fahrenheit 451 in middle school & felt secretly ashamed that …

: Is there really no way to send something to someone else as a gift from the Apple Store app? Or am I …

: I made it around the sun another cycle. It was a bumpy ride this time. But I’m glad to still be here …

: One year ago today, I got the eviction email from my mom’s ind living facility, due to her behavior …

: Watching the newest Mission:Impossible — this whole subgenre feels as old-fashioned as a Roger Moore …

: Finally getting around to watching Barbie.

: I’ve been putting off getting (needed) new shoes for months. Finally just did it. Took 20 min at the …

: Wife & I collaborating on holiday gifts for relatives. Glad I caught this one before hitting …

: Just finished my last workday before four days off (birthday weekend). And rolled the dice on …

: “Teamwork makes the dream work!” ok but whose dream are we talking about here

: I grew up in a fairly racist southern suburban household. Norman Lear’s work—via the family TV—was a …

: Apple’s “hide my email” authentication service is great except for when it is not. …

: Just walked back from dropping car off at garage for service. Since moving here, I’ve been able to …

: “AI” seems to hold a lot of promise in applications where laws & regulations require rigorous …

: Dolly Parton is releasing a rock album. So my question is: Name a rock song that you’d buy the album …

: There’s a special place in hell for companies that lay people off around Thanksgiving & Xmas. …

: This whole article about how Israel is using an “AI” system called Habsora (or in English, “the …

: Of course the dentist I was going to see this week — who was listed on my insurance provider search …

: 12 minutes into Fincher’s “The Killer” and so far it’s kinda just “Joe Pera: Assassin”? But that’s …

: Tomorrow begins my birth month. Which, at my age, from now on is something I’m going to actually …

: Just had some amazing leftover butter chicken poured over leftover roasted vegetables from earlier …

: Kissinger died, sure, but he got to live 100 celebrated, influential years. And the worldview he …

: “The rain falls on the just, and the unjust.”

: I may be at my wits end with progressive lens glasses. First pair I ever got 10 years ago were …

: ADHD medication shortage expected to last through 2024 … www.cleveland.com/metro/202…

: We got some heavy flurries this morning. It was a little bit magical for a while. But I’m glad it …

: I don’t wanna kink shame but why am I getting unsolicited emails from “TeachMeCompliance (dot) com”?

: This #Eagles game tonight omfg

: I’m looking to buy an elliptical for home. Any recommendations?

: swaddled in leftovers

: I’m only 20 minutes into Oppenheimer and I’m already wishing Paul Thomas Anderson made this film …

: Oppenheimering.

: Queuing up Genius of Love & getting ready to squash some beefs while we eat. #iykyk

: Just my annual compulsion to Post My Opinion Online that the president-pardons-turkey tradition is …

: We never watch “live tv” anymore but on Thanksgiving morning I really kinda need to have the Macy’s …

: TIL (via my amazing spouse) there’s a subreddit where people share pictures of buildings that were …

: Pet theory: If we can’t trace the specific origin of a word then it is an ür-word — an ancient one, …

: Spent my day off roaming the area doing errands and my brain is tired from traffic & people. But …

: What’s a song you have to listen to all of when it comes on the radio playlist? For me: at this …

: I want somebody to make one of these sprawling prestige TV period dramas about the American …

: Watching Verhoeven’s Total Recall (1990) for the first time time since the 90s. …

: PTO til Monday baby 🎊 🦃 🥧

: CVS pharmacist just literally told me to shop around some independent pharmacies to get my adhd meds …

: Every tine somebody says “backslash” when they mean “slash” and I bite my pedantic little tongue, I …

: Hannibal is a Thanksgiving movie prove me wrong

: Just listened to this Origin Story episode about “neoliberalism.” Friedman, Hayek, et al. A nice …

: dem tropes dem tropes dem dryyyyy tropes

: Evidently I am “carefully sets the laptop down to protect the mechanical HDD” years old.

: I always remind my team to keep notes on accomplishments throughout the year so they’ll have it all …

: I just looked up Roy Orbison for reasons and realized he died at only 52. Like… at the time he …

: Brain is really struggling without Vyvanse (which is yet again on back order). Trapped in the …

: I wish IT services platforms like Service Now would enable managers to be included in service …

: It is not easy to find a consistently good light roast decaf — but of course it turns out Wegman’s …

: I just discovered I’ve had a recurring digital subscription to NYT that I didn’t realize was in …

: Sudden mood/energy drop today … just gotta remind myself it’s temporary. So frustrating when part of …

: This entry about eggnog is very thorough! What a miracle Wikipedia is. …

: I don’t totally hate Secret Invasion if only because they gave Olivia Colman some excellent scenes. …


: I do like the new Apple Reminders auto-categorization feature for shopping lists. But it’s got some …

: This is purely anecdotal, I realize, but the quality of service in healthcare we are experiencing in …

: Our house is supposed today to close today, but the buyers’ lender — who had a whole ass month to …

: New Slow Horses this month? Fantastic.

: When I first encountered Burke’s “Connections” in college, it was revelatory in that it validated …

: For years I’ve insisted on using a stovetop kettle because I hate counter clutter but I finally …

: As a GenXer it feels like you get to go back in time to your teens/early 20s to hang out at the …

: Nice job on voting day yesterday, Pennsylvania ❤️🇺🇸🎊

: The “fall back” hour was mildly pleasant for sleeping in (it felt like 15 minutes extra not an hour) …

: The web has gotten to the point where I can barely use many sites from my iPhone without it …

: Lately I’ve noticed it’s been much harder to reach a pharmacist with a phone call — if not …

: I suspect in a decade or so we will look back with more clarity about what Covid ended and one of …

: Blessings and endless gratitude to this brand of rolled poop bags for this little sticker telling me …

: Mixed & kneaded & baked some fluffy gluten free biscuits for the first time in the new …

: For some reason in the four months we’ve been back in the Philly metro, I have not eaten a …

: my body already knows the time change is coming this weekend so it’s been pushing my …

: First time making fondant sweet potatoes in the new apartment. Next will add the chicken stock & …

: Drank some (sweetened) chai concentrate mixed with unsweetened almond milk as an afternoon …

: “This year I’m really gonna kick that football.” Charlie Brown, in “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie …

: We’ve been watching Apple TV’s “The Enfield Poltergeist” and it’s fascinatingly done. Actors lip …

: Our dog: barking at people from the balcony Me: “Edgar, we live in a society…”

: www.cbsnews.com/news/indo… 60 minutes finally saying aloud what we’ve known since at least …

: A fun way my #ADHD presents itself is when I’m exercising. How many reps have I done so far? No …

: Ok so I should not shop at Trader Joe’s in the few hours before an Eagles game. Noted.

: I only recently discovered how advanced the search function is in iOS Messages — pretty nice!

: Tonight on Loki I learned Time is a series of tubes.

: Just a reminder that the American Confederacy, and Robert E Lee in particular, were an evil movement …

: A coworker told me about itch.io today — I had never heard of it. And it’s such a delightful example …

: Like… I get it that we all want to be “thriving, not just surviving,” but sometimes “surviving” is …

: I keep beating myself up for not having more motivation & focus to do stuff I actually want to …

: Donald Glover’s “Atlanta” should’ve had so much more attention & buzz. Watching again now & …

: Edgar had decided I will not be assembling these shelves today and instead I will be entertaining …

: Whenever I noticed we have run out of something — milk, paper towels, etc — there is a 50% chance it …

: Loki s2 e3 halfway though, I’m realizing that our heroes don’t seem to register that maybe the thing …

: Good Omens is wonderful and Good but also it makes it plain that Michael Sheen would’ve been a far …

: It’s Friday night again y’all

: Powell & now Chesebro — two die-hard “2020 truthers” — have pleaded guilty & are cooperating …

: I’m curious how many of my mutuals from Twitter have moved to Threads. I think I’ve located the ones …

: iOS autocorrect has gotten smarter in some ways and it’s been interesting getting used to the new …

: Quesadillas tonight. And peppers & onions left over for omelettes and whatnot later. (We also …

: Just picked out new glasses frames for the first time in four years. Will have lenses in them in the …

: Our house is officially under contract! Due diligence period done. No repairs required. Assuming …

: I’ve played more hours in Tears of the Kingdom than I have in any single-player RPG I can recall. …

: Let’s see how a Tuesday goes with only three hours of sleep. #insomnia

: The techno-manifesto thing going around … I mean … I would like to say I’m not surprised because it …

: Aaaand that’s why I never trust a big early lead. #Eagles

: Email notification: “You have unlocked our lowest price ever!” Me: “ … I am literally just sitting …

: Anyways … now fully novavaxed & fluvaxed… lots of TV to catch up on while I feel crappy for a …

: Still can’t find my adhd meds in stock anywhere … it’s been two weeks. My brain is not happy.

: US Pharmacies are generally a shitshow these days…clearly understaffed, spending enormous …

: “Cash’s voice, which even as a callow young man sounded like Cash had been carved out of rock …

: Found a Novavax booster time at a nearby RiteAid for tonight. Hooray.

: Y’all a fourth & final season of DOOM PATROL just started and I didn’t even know it was coming. …

: Kevin Phillips died. Long ago, he was an architect of the right’s “southern strategy” that has …

: Outlook really should have an option for forwarding an Event invitation email as “information only” …

: House buyers accepted our counter offer. Woot. Now if it can all just keep going in the right …

: Once again unable to get ADHD meds refilled after my last batch ran out. I do wonder if a lot of the …

: Curious what others think of iOS 17’s big changes to autocorrect? I didn’t even know this was …

: New Loki episode got some Bioshock vibes

: Post-Mojave, macOS provides no way to back up Reminders unless you’re on iCloud, which, for security …

: If FigJam would just add the very basic ability to top/bottom-align text within shapes, it would …

: Every time I see another news story about companies deciding to use LLMs for critical tasks in spite …

: I kinda love it that Philly is celebrating the tricentennial of Ben Franklin’s arrival in the city. …

: Glad Novavax is now approved. Frustrated no pharmacy seems to have it as an option yet.

: I completely missed the news yesterday that the FDA approved Novavax. Huzzah. Get in my veins.

: I continue to really dig having a motorized standing desk. Kicking myself for not getting one a …

: From the balcony this morning. The hazy sky is just starting to get some color from the sunrise.

: Me, watching Republicans fail again at building healthy consensus between factions: “wow no wonder …

: Dreamt last night I got to hug my dad & tell him I love him. We didn’t really talk much for …

: Phil freakin’ Keaggy y’all. Like … he’s not talked about like a lot of other guitarists but I don’t …

: I just made an annual contribution to my Mastodon instance. Because ultimately I don’t want the …

: Happy October, everyone.

: The local Italian market had loaves labeled “French Toast Bread” on top but when you flip them over …

: sure sex & drugs are great but have you executed a perfect parallel parking maneuver on a busy …

: Still thinking about how Meta laid off a ton of UX researchers only have the guy in charge of …

: It’s a full moon, so another new Peter Gabriel track just dropped. lnk.to/PG21

: I’m glad CNN is saying this so clearly & directly. How is it the CDC doesn’t have billboards …

: I only just learned of Zelazny’s “A Night in the Lonesome October” and it sounds utterly fascinating …

: I continue to be puzzled why as a society we’ve decided that requiring masks is a violation of our …

: Suddenly thought of a place I hadn’t thought about in years. The Quonset Hut in Louisville KY. I …

: I thought last night’s sunset was amazing but holy smokes

: While I crosspost to Bluesky, I’m primarily on Mastodon. Today I moved servers, and now reside at …

: sky outside is amazing rn

: My wife and I text each other a lot. I mean like, even when home together, like a lot. And I just …

: Ahsoka is the most unabashedly sword-and-sorcery title in the Star Wars franchise and I guess I have …

: It’s good to see the government providing covid tests again, but I wish they’d also educate the …

: It’s mildly saddening to search Google and Bing News tabs for latest news about Novavax and find …

: “The productivity panacea is, I think, the erudite version of ‘wellness’”. ❗️ …

: Actual sweater weather on the morning dog walk. Yes please.

: New venture bros movie is so good y’all

: Breakfast today: poached eggs on a split breakfast sausage patty, with some fresh red & yellow …

: If only there were a synonym for “vaping” that started with “b” this would be a perfect headline. …

: “Some physicians say the shortage has dragged on in part because ADHD isn’t always considered to be …

: Damn I knew I should’ve updated to the 13 mini before today’s Apple event … it’s not even listed …

: Just got an unsettling fraud encounter — PayPal texted me with a password recovery code that I …

: Ah yes the sound of a sad smoke alarm with a low battery at 5 am. That keening plaintive cry written …

: Our realtor is doing a Mommie Dearest themed open house at our home he’s trying to sell. It was his …

: “this new system had taught itself how to drive by processing billions of frames of video of how …

: Happy Root Canal Friday everyone! Oh just me?

: Already in a crap mood and tomorrow I have a root canal so … hurry up, weekend.

: For the last 3 years, I’ve worn a mask in indoor public places. So has my wife. Almost every time …

: Seriously just put lots more cool robots with fun personalities in everything. I love them all.

: Ahsoka was fun tonight

: More doctors like this please. nymag.com/intellige…

: Still leisurely working my way through Tears of the Kingdom. From last night’s session, my brain now …

: “Centuries-old settlement patterns — and the attitudes they spawned about government — are to blame …

: Chilly-cozy morning, sitting on the balcony, with some coffee & yogurt (dressed with some …

: Dunno if I’m imagining it but I’m finding that I feel more confident during remote work meetings, …

: Yes please let me pay Elon roughly a four year college tuition of money so I can hold my hands an …

: “and the bleak shall inherit the earth”

: This Evangelion title card generator is a hoot kychou.net/eva-title…

: Last week (starting with my wife’s birthday) we had a lot of comfort food involving white flour, …

: I suppose I don’t want to comment on a certain ex-president’s lies about his body weight because I …

: The Trump mugshot shows an insecure elderly man who has created & practiced a very specific head …

: x.com/kylegriff…

: Yet again clicking the Teams “Leave” button when I meant to click “Stop Sharing” so it must be a …

: Instead of “Don’t Make Me Think,” maybe the next big UX book should be called “Please Let Me Think”

: I wasn’t all that into the first season of Foundation but it was so gorgeously made it was …

: To anyone at West Elm, Pottery Barn, Williams-Sonoma or any related overpriced retailer, I beg you …

: It is possible to run successful, enjoyable in-person conferences with excellent Covid-19 prevention …

: An excellent overview of the current science around Narcissistic Personality Disorder. …

: Just experienced Carlino’s Market for the first time, to get my beloved a birthday sfogliatella. My …

: “All the information’s in there…But it’s completely disconnected from when & how & why …

: It is suddenly shockingly difficult to find either: 1) a pizza joint that still sells by the slice, …

: The writers for Harley Quinn are not fucking around.

: “Mastodon is not a social space. It’s a tool for building a social space. The Fediverse is not …

: One problem with getting furniture at Ikea on a busy Saturday is I’m so exhausted from being in Ikea …

: If you’re accustomed to using Mural or Miro, do not assume you will be able to accomplish much in …

: I was not aware… “Disney+ has not profited since its launch in 2019 and has made an operating loss …

: Mood just did a 180 to the bad place for no apparent reason … wtf is up with brains and why is there …

: Just had a mind blowingly good pastrami sandwich from the deli around the corner. Fresh perfect …

: I don’t know who needs to hear this but if you’ve ever been in a business meeting you have to watch …

: It’s nice to live in a building with a basement when a tornado warning occurs like it did just now … …

: The zuck/elon fight-taunts just remind me of this scene from stepbrothers where dragon meets …

: am I a horrible person for not being able to sit through a musical episode of anything ok fine but …

: My allergy alert app: “Allergy levels will decrease in your area today!” My nose and everything …

: I think I need to do another #Twin_Peaks rewatch (it’s been 4-5 years?), but with a good …

: Me: “hey I just read read Trump got four more indictments” Her: “aww I love that for him”

: Exceedingly happy to get a benign MRI result for something I’ve been worried about since May. My …

: The Pride episode of #WWDITS 👩‍🍳💋

: Sincere Rest in Peace to Paul Reubens :-( I sort of hope his epitaph says “I meant to do that”

: Ah I see we have scheduled a 30 minute planning meeting with 19 people and no agenda. It’s gonna be …

: An unusually mild & clear summer morning. Perfect for Balcony Breakfast.

: Some personal news! Just learned via email I’ve been specially selected to apply for a Venmo credit …

: This little comic about habits & adhd is just too damn true toot.community/@Adhdinos…

: Relieved my beloved’s combo diagnostic / surgery appointment today had the least complicated outcome …

: Kudos to ST:SNW for accurately portraying a PTSD panic attack. I always appreciate seeing this in …

: This is magical. …

: I was concerned maybe we wouldn’t have convenient access to great tacos around our new home. Happy …

: Did you know Twitter’s bird logo & language for “tweeting” etc. originated with the Twitteriffic …

: All three news stories about the ground being dangerously hot remind me that if you’re walking a …

: Whatever weather front is barreling into the Philly area is squeezing my cranial contents into …

: “X” is the black leather couch of brand names.

: Always Sunny in Philadelphia season 12 episode 3 is pretty brilliant postmodern “tv about tv” as …

: Finally saw Asteroid City. It affected me more emotionally than any Wes Anderson movie since …

: Happened upon this nice angle for a photo on our dog walk this morning.

: Cookies are actually just storage & delivery media for cookie batter.

: While admitting it has a lot of flaws, I actually love ST:TOS. It’s becoming one of my fave comfort …

: I’m fully aware tonight’s SNW was total fanservice and I am also totally aware it completely worked …

: I love Venture Brothers and I’m so glad there’s at least a movie coming out in a couple days even if …

: Long phone menus (“For A press 1, for B press 2…") and my #ADHD do not play well …

: I forgot how complicated everything is even after you “finish” moving to a new city. Suddenly, tasks …

: Just set our new home’s SSID to “Fancy Sauce” … because reasons youtu.be/C9VYU0YZS…

: I wanna be big & scary like Lurch, omniscient like Thing & inscrutable like Itt & …

: Steven Soderburgh having Jim Gaffigan’s character eat a hot pocket not even 10 minutes into his new …

: Even though we finally got all our furniture & belongings delivered yesterday, it took making …

: “Lost, but the characters all live in the hatch.” #Silo

: I’m enjoying Silo which is science fiction except for the part about how IT actually runs …

: So far this year every “vacation day” I’ve taken has been for something that wasn’t really a …

: Currently playing the most boring bingo game ever, but the prize is we get to sleep in our real bed …

: I am paying the moving company a large chunk of change to do this move … and yet I still feel guilty …

: After 10 nights, my body has officially rebelled against sleeping on an air mattress. I got maybe …

: We’ve been watching the original Real Housewives show (Orange County). Because reasons. And my god …

: I just walked around the corner for an espresso shot & a delicious smoothie for lunch. …

: Just discovered: even though the Xfinity rep (who worked w/ me via their …

: I forgot how much I loved living where I can hear trains.

: Giant thunderstorm in Philly is not messing around. Flash floods. Phone tower nearby is borked. FiOS …

: Yesterday’s “yay we finally have internet and hot water” celebration has pivoted into this morning’s …

: Six days later … we have hot water and internet in the new place. Starting to feel like we might …

: Any suggestions on a robot vacuum? Ideally on the cheaper side? We now live in a space perfect for …

: Lately a ton of websites just do not function on Safari iOS. But they’re fine in Firefox iOS. Is it …

: For the first time in the 25 years I’ve been using ADHD medication, I may not be able to fill a …

: Musk & Yaccarono & Huffman & Zaslav et al just keep pounding on the emergent communities …

: We are now in our new-to-us apartment in the Philly metro (Bryn Mawr). But we won’t have hot water …

: I have not seen Gilligan’s Island since I was a child, and here it is remastered in HD on a 60 in …

: Stopped overnight in Harrisonburg VA. The view…could be worse. (Arriving at our new home in PA …

: Goodbye, Atlanta.

: The closer we get to emptying and selling our house the less enthusiasm I have for ever owning a …

: Moving day! Aaaaand still waiting for the truck to arrive because the driver’s kid left the lights …

: That last episode of The Bear (S2) holy dang.

: The adhd med shortage has finally hit me and I am kinda screwed.

: Trying to say this in a non-spoilery way … Just started watching Silo and it’s cool but if it turns …

: Just parked at Atlanta’s “Larkin on Memorial” shopping complex to grab a salad & açaí bowl …

: W/ the sad loss of Julian Sands, folks are rightly referencing “A Room With A View”, but IMO a …

: I’ve been using Workday in my new job and my goodness what a structural mess … feels a lot like yet …

: My mechanic’s waiting room has a wood-grain cabinet, cathode-ray-tube television running like some …

: This article almost makes me want to try Second Life again. But I wish more that there was a …

: Today we have a “junk removal service” coming to take away a bunch of stuff we do not need, prior to …

: The commercial that undoubtedly caused an entire generation to hear “time to make the donuts” in …

: While packing I ran across an old copy of Bombay Gin literary magazine I was published in, and I had …

: Thr latest Always Sunny season is a welcome, raucous balm.

: Packing for our move continues to suck, but at least I discovered printed lyrics to some of the …

: I am having trouble logging into the USPS site so I checked Down Detector — a site that tracks …

: In SNW s2e2 Starfleet came out as Wokefleet and I am here for it.

: Dang … Unicorn: Warriors Eternal is gorgeous.

: Packing to move always sucks. Always.

: I’m not really into the billionaire submarine schadenfreude. But these fights between Musk/Zuck …

: In the new job, I no longer wake up to tons of work activity happening in email & chat that’s …

: I like sleep. Sleep is nice.

: Finally watching the D&D movie and it li Ed up to the hype — it’s really fun and perfectly hits …

: One of the few things I will miss when we move back north is easy access to things like canned …

: Me: “I’m gonna have to take an antihistamine today” Her: “Drink lots of water!” Me, singing in a …

: I dug this Maron interview w/ Paul Schrader. One of many bits I learned: he wrote Taxi Driver to …

: The spiderverse sequel is bonkers. Just an absolute masterpiece. The first one already …

: On my way to see SpiderVerse 2 with the best (grown-ass-adult) kid anyone could ever want to hang …

: Hard to believe we will be leaving our home of 9 years in just 13 days. Still a ton of work to do, …

: I am so ready to have much less pine straw in my life.

: Comfort-watching The Addams Family again & have to wonder what cultural impact this show had on …

: I only had two squares of a dark chocolate + coffee bean bar and now my brain stem is vibrating like …

: I just discovered an email in my spam folder from February telling me the date of the Remain in …

: PHL ✈️ ATL Wheels up.

: Currently sipping a smoothie, under an umbrella at Suburban Square, next to the only Apple Store I …

: I hope Reddit gets their shit together cuz the Hyrule Engineering subreddit is kinda dope …

: This Microtel smells like [[redacted]]. But I’m tired … so I do not care.

: On the ground in Philly. 🙌

: Found a spot at ATL airport at least 15 feet from anyone else and my CO2 monitor still reads shows …

: I wonder what today’s SCOTUS ruling potends for the upcoming decision about the “independent state …

: Tonight is my first airplane trip since covid arrived. Got my 3M Aura masks & Enovid spray ready …

: I found this EPA guide to particulate matter very helpful. www.epa.gov/pm-pollut…

: Ok folks any recommendations for a standing desk, ideally under $500?

: I used to think I was immune to nostalgia. But then I got older and started feeling nostalgia.

: I’m having to use MacOS Reminders app as my task tracking solution at the new job (for good reason, …

: The one feature of voice assistant technology that seems so obvious to me but doesn’t seem to exist …

: This Ars Technica piece on the Vision Pro is a solid, dispassionate assessment: …

: The Diplomat is hella fun (I’m four episodes in). Just enough smart complications & quirky …

: Apple has a way of creating products that — while expensive for mainstream markets — are insanely …

: Snark aside, Apple really pulled this off, I think. They went beyond a VR Viewport to making a …

: I confess I do not look forward to sitting next to a VisionPro user on a plane as they forget their …

: At a price point $3499 I look forward to using my analog eyeglasses to watch other people enjoy the …

: This #VisionPro video conferencing capability is basically the equivalent of Tim stuffing Zuck in a …

: I can see how Vision Pro’s “OS in physical space” could be great for someone like me who needs to …

: I just hear the whitest man on earth say “Thanks, Kojima-san” in the whitest “white-dude-announcer” …

: Sitting on my front porch listening to thunder as a storm rolls in. Beautiful.

: checking out Quantumania and not sure what to make of it 30 min in but it’s just a pleasure seeing …

: Trying to book a flight for the first time in several years, and @delta is giving me an error that …

: I’m convinced the ghost of Burt Reynolds is behind this … “A driver’s car soared 120 feet …

: Thanks to whoever mentioned you can use “sections” in FigJam much like “frames” in Miro — I totally …

: Parts of it are certainly problematic. But some nights there’s nothing quite like Frisky Dingo

: I always think Bernadette Peters is dead but then I’m pleasantly surprised when I see she is alive …

: just added “running tf away from gloom hands” to my linkedin skills

: New employer uses Figjam vs Miro or Mural and wow am I missing the more mature functionality of …

: It took until the day after the final Succession episode for me to learn each season finale is named …

: Kieran Culkin nailed it. #succession

: Successioning

: Governance is (still) the ultimate design problem.

: This Zelda #totk Zonai Builds website is bonkers zeldabuilds.gg

: On my way to dispose of the last of mom’s things. Weird day.

: I had never before noticed that Gomez & Morticia have a Hieronymus Bosch painting in their …

: I do love watching events drop like flies off my calendar for the Friday before a holiday once …

: There is a sound outside my home office window that sounds exactly like a korok pinwheel. It is …

: For anyone who might be interested— the new Beavis & Butthead episodes are actually very good!

: Just spent 20 minutes resetting & pairing AirPods & iPhone several times trying to figure …

: I cannot recommend using Lively as your phone provider for an elderly family member. The Jitterbug …

: Just got news our dog does not have glaucoma. Relieved.

: I still have a ton of my mom’s voice mails on my phone that I was saving as evidence of her mental …

: “Take…these broken wings…”

: “Hippocratic AI” is oxymoronic

: The game really makes you pay for using bombs etc. by damaging or destroying loot that would be fine …

: I had to remove and replace a couple of metal/trough-style window flower boxes today and ran into …

: I don’t know who needs to hear this but… If you use an ice fruit or white chuchu jelly with an arrow …

: Did we use the phrase “on here” so much before the rise of shared digital networks (including social …

: Orcas are learning how to sink boats because a boat hurt one of them so bad it decided all boats …

: It is kinda wild how Mrs Davis is nailing our “AI” hype moment even though this was written and …

: Given all the givens … I had a pretty good week.

: The 24/7 humidity is back in Atlanta until Novemberish 🥵

: So so happy for Pennsylvania right now.

: Once Succession is over I want a spin-off like Muppet Babies but it’s Roy Babies where they’re all …

: Having to use a virtual desktop until my new-job’s new-laptop arrives. I just discovered, four …

: Wondering if this cross-posting solution works … ignore this post!

: Trying this out so I can crosspost to Bluesky & Mastodon.